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Attorney Specials For Affordable Bankruptcies
Law Offices of Matthew Foley, PLC
At The Law Offices of Matthew T. Foley you receive personal, direct service from Attorney Matthew Foley. You are not handed off to junior staff under the supervision of an attorney like large firms. Matthew Foley will personally help you through the complicated bankruptcy process. We're committed to taking a full-service, aggressive and innovative approach to each client's unique personal and business needs, and are prepared to help stop embarrassing creditor harassment the day you hire our firm. Even if bankruptcy is not right for you, we can recommend other options for debt relief. Call us today and get the full financial protection available to you under the law.
Law Offices of Matthew Foley, PLC Contact Info:
Tucson, Arizona, 85711
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Google Plus For Law Offices of Matthew Foley, PLC
Go to the Google plus page for Law Offices of Matthew Foley, PLCTucson Bankruptcy Attorneys. Are you concerned about your economic future? Call our Tuscon AZ bankruptcy lawyers at (520) 404-0529 to discuss your debt
Google Plus Reviews
Mark JacksonSep 14, 2012 We recently used Matt Foley to help us with our bankruptcy and couldn't be more happier. Very nice guy and always there when needed to answer questions, even from a pest like myself, thanks again Matt.
Yelp For Law Offices of Matthew Foley, PLC
Go to the Yelp Profile for Law Offices of Matthew Foley, PLCTucson Bankruptcy Attorney Matthew T. Foley has provided legal guidance and representation to thousands of clients in Southern Arizona, according to his recently updated website
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BBB Accreditation A BBB Accredited Business since 05/13/2011 BBB has determined that Matthew Foley, PLC meets BBB accreditation standards, which include a commitment to make a good faith effort to resolve any consumer complaints. BBB Accredited Businesses pay a fee for accreditation review/monitoring and for support of BBB services to the public. BBB accreditation does not mean that the business' products or services have been evaluated or endorsed by BBB, or that BBB has made a determination as to the business' product quality or competency in performing services. Additional Information top BBB file opened: 05/13/2011Business started: 10/01/2006 Licensing This company is in an industry that may require licensing, bonding or registration in order to lawfully do business. BBB encourages you to check with the appropriate agency to be certain any requirements are currently being met. These agencies may include: State Bar of Arizona 270 N Church Ave., STE. 100 Tucson, AZ85701 (866) 482-9227 http://www.azbar.org Type of Entity Limited Liability Corporation Contact Information Principal: Mr. Matthew Foley (Member) Number of Employees 1Recent Posts
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